Monday, February 14, 2011

Writing Implication

What does implication for a study mean? I need to think of the implications of my study base on the findings I gathered. It has to be along these lines:

Implication of research 1

"If you are including a Conclusions/Implications section in your dissertation make sure you really present conclusions and implications. Often the writer uses the conclusions/implications section to merely restate the research findings. Don't waste my time. I've already read the findings and now, at the Conclusion/Implication section, I want you to help me understand what it all means. This is a key section of the dissertation and is sometimes best done after you've had a few days to step away from your research and allow yourself to put your research into perspective. If you do this you will no doubt be able to draw a variety of insights that help link your research to other areas. I usually think of conclusions/implications as the "So what" statements. In other words, what are the key ideas that we can draw from your study to apply to my areas of concern".


Implications of Research 2

1. what new knowledge will the proposed project produce that we do not already know?
2. why is it worth knowing, what are the major implications?

Implications of Research 3

It answers the question of how the research findings may impact on the topic and the field.