Wednesday, December 7, 2011

I have submitted the thesis for examination

Alhamdulillah, yesterday (6 Dec. 2011) I submitted my thesis to the Graduate School Office (GSO). I hope to submit it on the 5th but the Dean of the Graduate Studies in the Faculty was entertaining some students. After all, it was already 5 something. I was actually able to submit it in the morning, but when I submitted it to the Graduate Studies in the faculty, the clerk told me that I used a wrong form. There's a new form that I need to fill-in or use. I told her that I was not able to access the postgraduate portal (for at least four days already). She asked me to refer to the IT Unit in the GSO. So I went there again. After I got the form, I need to make another appointment with all my supervisors (supervisory commmitee member). I was only able to have all their signatures at 4 something. The process was not completed yet since I need to have the signature from the Dean of the Graduate Studies studies. I waited for 30 minutes for the signature. However, the clerk told me to get the form tomorrow (i.e. 6 Dec) since the Dean has just got back from a meeting. And at that moment she was entertaining some students.

Hence, on 6 Dec. I got back the form from the office of the Graduate Studies and sent all the copies of the thesis to the GSO. Back home, I noticed that there were some technical problems. For instance, Part C and Part D of my Pre-test was in my Post-test. I did amended this but the sections somehow went to other pages. I also forgot to thanks a friend who helped me with my statistics in my Acknowledgements. I will need to adress this during the examination. I supposed they will notice the former obviously.