Friday, June 22, 2012

Presenting Corrections and getting Internal Examiners' signatures

These few days was tiring and frustrating. I was emailing here and there just for the sake of getting the internal examiners' signature as well as to discuss the corrections I made. The worst case was being scolded by my supervisor (he was known for his grumpy attitude-- many people know about this). I was surprised being scolded like a child in front of his staff and some students at his office. The use of the words "useless" as in this sentence, "you're useless" or rather in Malay "you tak boleh pakai" was something that I always remembered in this journey of getting my Phd. I was told by his staff that that day (the day I met him that he was not in a good mood. His 'adik angkat' met with an accident). For any reason, I supposed he was not to treat his student the way I was treated. It damaged his professionalism as a PROFESSOR in the university. There was only some slight mistakes that I did in which I didn't write PROFESSOR (instead I wrote ASSOC. PROFESSOR in the Bahasa Malaysia abstract I wrote for the thesis), the first page of the thesis has a roman number that needs to be deleted, I didn't indent a paragraph in one of the pages of the thesis). I told him that I could print at once what he wanted me to do earlier. Before this incident happened, he made a call stating the things I needed to do for the thesis. As I was in the hospital after my APK (versus LASIK) operation, my conversation with him was rather unclear. He didn't tell me that I needed to print the corrections and hand-in to him during my meeting with him that was scheduled just the day after I talked to him. To shorten the story, after he bombarded me with his scarce words, he told me, "This is easy, I just sign here". In the first place, that was just the thing that he needed to do so. He didn't favour me ever since in the first semester of being supervised by him, I went through the process of getting scolded by him once in a while. Though that was the first time I was scolded by him face-to-face, I seldom was scolded on the phone. I could accept all that was happened to me because I know I was a student (adult one). Nevertheless, I believe that as a university professor, his attitudes was totally unprofessional. For me, you don't have to boost telling everyone that you're A PROFESSOR... instead, people will know that you are one because of your VALUES you show to others. So, professionals - especially supervisors - out there (and of course, I'm reminding myself) if you want to know whether you're really supervising your students, let the students judge you. Don't brag about what you're good at instead the good thing will speak for itself.

Monday, June 11, 2012

I have submitted my correction

It was a gruelling process (ding dong...) of submitting the correction. One person says this and the other person says that. In the end, I'm the one who become the victim of the process. The story goes like this. I asked my friend how to go about submitting the correction. She said I need to see the internal examiners and then go to the Chairperson. This is the common procedure she told me in the university. I also consulted one of the students of my main supervisor regarding this (he's is my main supervisor's favourite student/ teacher's pet). He told me the same. So, I went to see both of my internal examiners. I made an appointment with them. They both agreed on the time scheduled. But, when I see both of them they said I'm supposed to get my main supervisor's signature first before meeting them. While I was ordered the opposite from my supervisor in his email after I went to see the internal examiners. Back to when I met the internal examiners, both of them refused to sign the form and discuss the correction I made... It's like a clock ticking "ding dong"...I go here and there asking for their signatures. To shorten the story, my main supervisor asked me to leave the thesis and the list of correction I made in his office since he will be going to UK. That would be a week.... then only he said he will read. Worst come to worst, I think I need to apply for another month of extension just for the sake of collecting their signatures and discuss the corrections I made. I hope things would not get much worst anymore.