I have finished writing a book that I specially dedicated to my parents. Besides that, it was dedicated to my mother and father in laws as well. My father in-law passed away recently and I learned many quality things about life from him. For instance, I learned the importance of time (he was a very punctual person). Perhaps due to the training as an officer in the army. He also taught me to recite the Quran every single day as it can always motivates us to work and live a better life. I know very much that this is true.
The idea of writing the book entitles, "Apa Khabar Ayahbonda" (Literal meaning: How are you father and mother?, doesn't sound catchy..couldn't find better words at the moment) was initiated out of the loss that I felt when my mother and father passed away last year due to cancer. She has been suffering from intestine cancer for almost one year or so. But, she didn't notice it until she was admitted to the hospital one day. The doctor in the Kuantan Specialist Hospital told that part of her intestine needed to be removed. After it was removed, we thought that she would be fine. It was not long after that she complained that she could not defecate like usual. I remembered that morning she said she was very ill and couldn't get up to perform subuh prayer. I thought it was because she didn't take anything the night before. She was really in pain, i still remembered her face. I quickly sent her to the panel clinic. After a check-up was done, the doctor gave some medicine. She was quite okay. I send her to my brother's house as she and my father were staying at his house (we couldn't let both of them stayed in their house because it was quite far from the neighbours). I thought she would be okay after I left her. I requested her to take bath but she said she just want to sleep for a while. She mentioned that she could see smoke surrounding the bedroom before I left her. I said to her that she was just too tired and requested her to have some sleep. I didn't know that was the last time I talked to her. She died a week before I delivered my youngest.
Following the same year; to be exact after six months my mother died, my father died due to bone cancer. It was so sudden because there was no sign that he was ill. He was a healthy man. He could still do heavy gardening. This story will continue because as for now I have to prepare afternoon tea. My sister in-law and her family have just arrived.
I have this poem dedicated to them in the book I wrote:
Untukmu Ayahbonda
Pengorbanan ayahbonda tiada terperi,
Aku dididik dan diasuh setiap hari,
Untuk menjadi seorang yang punyai pekerti tinggi,
Ku sanjung ayahbonda diatas pengorbanan ini.
Jasa ayahbonda sudah terbukti,
Walaupun ayahbonda tiada di sisi kini,
Akan ku kenang setiap ilmu yang diberi,
Agar ianya menjadi panduan diri.
Andai diriku pernah menghiris hati ayahbonda,
Lantaran diriku terlalu menurut nafsu kata,
Pun begitu tiada sedikit pun kata cela dari ayahbonda,
Jauh sekali ungkapan kata-kata nista.
Ku mohon ampun atas kesalahan yang kulakukan,
Moga pahala pengorbanan ayahbonda di berkati oleh yang Maha Esa,
Bagi segenap titik peluh yang ayahbonda curahkan,
Diriku ini memanjatkan doa agar ayahbonda sentiasa dibawah rahmat Tuhan yang Esa.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
A book written as a dedication to my late mother and father
Posted by Zuraina Ali at Thursday, April 28, 2011 0 comments
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Applying for extension
I guess I need to apply for extension for at least four months. Yet, I'm not sure whether or not I can wait only for viva after that four months have completed. Anyway, it's better to apply rather than not. One of my friends who is studying in the same university and faculty with me applied, but hers was rejected. The reason being she is doing her phd in the local university. I think she was not lucky. Pity also that she haven't presented her proposal yet. As she is a very tough woman, she receives the news calmly and tell me that it is all her fault of not being able to present her proposal before she will be reporting for duty.
I'm not sure of my luck though some of my other friends told me it will be a waste-less effort to try for something you sure you'll not be able to get. However, I believe, if you don't try, you never know. For whatever thing that will come, if I am not destined for extension, there sure be other ways that I can graduate. For the thing that I start, I have to make it to a point where I can say, "I'm done now!"..with careful planning and strategies, I know I'll get there. Above all, God knows when that time is for me.
Posted by Zuraina Ali at Sunday, April 24, 2011 0 comments
Friday, April 22, 2011
Very useful free link for E Books
Hi all,
Link to this website http://library.nu/ for materials that you may want to read or have further information of things that you're not clear with. I find that the link is very useful. Some of the books are very latest. Not to mention books from prominent authors in your field are also here. Share this with others as well...let all of us benefit from it. Remember that "knowledge is everywhere, when we benefit, others need to benefit as well"
Posted by Zuraina Ali at Friday, April 22, 2011 0 comments
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
I've sent the first draft of my thesis
Alhamdullilah. I've already sent all the chapters to my supervisory committee members although I noticed some typo-errors here and there (ouch!!). I hope my main supervisor is happy with the content of the thesis. It took me quite sometime to write all the chapters. I did the collection of data, analysis of data and writing data all in six months. I pray to Allah that my endeavor is easy and smooth. My hubby helped me in compiling all the chapters. It was not a day work when it comes to paging, preparing Table of Contents, converting document from Words to PDF. Concerning converting Words to PDF, I learned that chapters, appendices and other doc. for thesis can be combined to make a complete thesis. I didn't know how to do this before (I am not IT savvy, but like technology).
On the day of submitting the draft, my husband and the kids stayed in the hotel since we didn't want to troublesome our in-laws staying in KL and Ulu Kelang. Luckily, the internet service in the hotel is free. The breakfast was not bad either. I guess this is made common in other hotels as well (wireless internet service). Right after the thesis was printed and bound, we headed home. The weather was very cloudy. So, we only stopped at my sister in law's house to perform solat qasr (maghrib and insya'). And of course, dinner that was pre-ordered. Her house is near to food stores, and hence, we ordered food for dinner.
What I can say is that, I feel bless that my attempt to send the first draft is realised although I'm not sure of the responses. I really hope, again, that my draft is accepted..and I'll make changes if they require me to do so. I received a sms from my friends telling me that her friend took a year for editing stuffs after her submission of the first draft thesis. I hope mine is easier and smoother.
Posted by Zuraina Ali at Tuesday, April 12, 2011 0 comments