Thursday, April 28, 2011

A book written as a dedication to my late mother and father

I have finished writing a book that I specially dedicated to my parents. Besides that, it was dedicated to my mother and father in laws as well. My father in-law passed away recently and I learned many quality things about life from him. For instance, I learned the importance of time (he was a very punctual person). Perhaps due to the training as an officer in the army. He also taught me to recite the Quran every single day as it can always motivates us to work and live a better life. I know very much that this is true.

The idea of writing the book entitles, "Apa Khabar Ayahbonda" (Literal meaning: How are you father and mother?, doesn't sound catchy..couldn't find better words at the moment) was initiated out of the loss that I felt when my mother and father passed away last year due to cancer. She has been suffering from intestine cancer for almost one year or so. But, she didn't notice it until she was admitted to the hospital one day. The doctor in the Kuantan Specialist Hospital told that part of her intestine needed to be removed. After it was removed, we thought that she would be fine. It was not long after that she complained that she could not defecate like usual. I remembered that morning she said she was very ill and couldn't get up to perform subuh prayer. I thought it was because she didn't take anything the night before. She was really in pain, i still remembered her face. I quickly sent her to the panel clinic. After a check-up was done, the doctor gave some medicine. She was quite okay. I send her to my brother's house as she and my father were staying at his house (we couldn't let both of them stayed in their house because it was quite far from the neighbours). I thought she would be okay after I left her. I requested her to take bath but she said she just want to sleep for a while. She mentioned that she could see smoke surrounding the bedroom before I left her. I said to her that she was just too tired and requested her to have some sleep. I didn't know that was the last time I talked to her. She died a week before I delivered my youngest.

Following the same year; to be exact after six months my mother died, my father died due to bone cancer. It was so sudden because there was no sign that he was ill. He was a healthy man. He could still do heavy gardening. This story will continue because as for now I have to prepare afternoon tea. My sister in-law and her family have just arrived.

I have this poem dedicated to them in the book I wrote:

Untukmu Ayahbonda


Pengorbanan ayahbonda tiada terperi,
Aku dididik dan diasuh setiap hari,
Untuk menjadi seorang yang punyai pekerti tinggi,
Ku sanjung ayahbonda diatas pengorbanan ini.


Jasa ayahbonda sudah terbukti,
Walaupun ayahbonda tiada di sisi kini,
Akan ku kenang setiap ilmu yang diberi,
Agar ianya menjadi panduan diri.


Andai diriku pernah menghiris hati ayahbonda,
Lantaran diriku terlalu menurut nafsu kata,
Pun begitu tiada sedikit pun kata cela dari ayahbonda,
Jauh sekali ungkapan kata-kata nista.


Ku mohon ampun atas kesalahan yang kulakukan,
Moga pahala pengorbanan ayahbonda di berkati oleh yang Maha Esa,
Bagi segenap titik peluh yang ayahbonda curahkan,
Diriku ini memanjatkan doa agar ayahbonda sentiasa dibawah rahmat Tuhan yang Esa.